Our Mission

person wearing hoodie

Our Mission


The mission of the organization is to operate a Self Sufficiency Program for emerging youth that are experiencing hardships while transitioning into adulthood. We facilitate online programs that help educate our youth to enable them into becoming more productive participants within our communities. Our primary focus are emerging adults transitioning from the foster care environment ages 18 – 25.   At FootSteps inc, we are “Knowledge Transfer Specialist” (KTS) and we transfer our knowledge of life experiences to our youth to empower and support while educating. Our services includes a mentorship program designed to prepare our emerging youth as they discover and experience the world.

One Foot Step at a time!


The Problem

Imagine being an adolescent who has already seen too many hardships by the time you reach your 18th birthday. Being displaced from your family as a young child and raised within the foster care system or by another family member. On your 18th birthday your birthday gift is an scary awakening that you now have to become a fully grown adult OVERNIGHT! You don't know what you don't know and you are about to face the world alone, with no direction, no finances, no guidance and no plan for your future. So many of our youth are being faced with this reality check everyday.

Our Solution

Foot Steps Inc can be a solution. We provide supportive services to emerging youth transitioning into adulthood. At FootSteps Inc., we believe that no one should have to face the world alone. As stewards we feel compelled to reach back and uplift as many of our youth as possible and encourage “Each One Teach One” mindsets as we start our journey of rebuilding our community and restoring our “Village Family” environment.

Our Goal

Our goal is to help to bridge the gap of homelessness for our youth one FootStep at a time….We envision a world where adolescents experiencing homelessness and/or hardships are met with love, compassion, and a community ready to address and adjust to circumstances that are a part of life that no one prepared them for.